Extra corona shot for people over 70, residents of nursing homes and people with a severely reduced resistance | news item

News item | 24-02-2022 | 14:22

From February 26, people aged 70 and older, residents of nursing homes, adults with Down syndrome and adults with a severe immune disorder will be invited for an additional corona vaccination. The invitation follows about 3 months after their last corona jab. That is what Minister Kuipers of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) wrote to the House of Representatives on Thursday. This is in line with the Health Council’s advice to only offer these specific groups and not all over 18s the repeat shot.

The protection of previous vaccinations against the coronavirus is declining most rapidly in people over the age of 70, residents of nursing homes, adults with Down syndrome and adults with severe immune disorders. As a precaution, these people are offered a repeat shot to maintain protection against serious illness and hospitalization. This is important because the number of infections is still increasing among some age groups.


In order to bring the effectiveness of the basic series (the first and second vaccination) up to standard, all adults have been invited in recent months for an extra vaccination, the booster shot. From now on, this is called the ‘repeat shot against corona’, abbreviated ‘corona shot’. The repeat injection ensures that the protection against the virus is maintained. The advice of the Health Council is to only give this repeat shot to people where the risk of serious illness or even death from corona is greatest.

Invitations and start vaccinations

The repeat vaccination against corona is only offered from three months after the last vaccination. The group of over 70s will receive an invitation letter and can make an appointment online or by telephone. The first letters will be delivered on Saturday 26 February. The pricking starts in the week of February 28. The mobile over 70s can go to the GDD themselves after making an appointment. If this is really not possible, the injection can be done at home in consultation with the GP.

Residents of institutions are vaccinated by their own medical service or by the GGD.

The adults with Down syndrome receive the invitation for the repeat injection through their GP. They can go to the GGD for their injection or are vaccinated in their institution. The people with a severe immune disorder received an invitation from their medical specialist in October 2021 for a third shot as part of their basic series. It is important for these people that they get their booster shot 3 months after the third shot. If these people are eligible for an extra repeat shot, they will be invited again.

The course of the coronavirus is being closely monitored. In the second half of March, the Health Council will examine whether more people should be offered a repeat shot against corona.
