Extinction Rebellion will stop blocking until Tuesday pending the House of Representatives vote

Extinction Rebellion (XR) will stop the daily blockades of the A12 in The Hague at least until Tuesday, the action group has announced. announced Thursday evening. The reason for this is the vote on a motion that will take place in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, in which GroenLinks and D66 ask the government to come up with a plan to phase out fossil subsidies in the coming years. XR blocked the highway for 27 days in a row.

The climate demonstrators view the motion “as recognition that politicians also recognize that 39.7 to 46.4 billion euros in fossil subsidies annually cannot be defended.” If the motion is adopted, XR writes, “we will examine it critically.” “If the conditions are not good enough, we will consider next steps,” the group said. “If the motion is not passed, we will come back with much more.”

Since September 9, XR has blocked the A12 in The Hague every day from noon, in protest against the fossil subsidies that the Netherlands grants to major CO2 emitters. The police regularly had to intervene to disperse the demonstrators, including using water cannons. According to XR, at least 8,800 people have been arrested during these demonstrations so far. Earlier this week, the action group started summary proceedings against the state and the municipality of The Hague over the use of the water throwers.

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