Extinction Rebellion storms farmers’ union headquarters in Mitte

Extinction Rebellion storms farmers' union on Claire Waldoff Strasse in Mitte.

Members of the group Extinction Rebellion have stormed the headquarters of the farmers’ association Photo: Spreepicture

By Xaver Malkus and Dirk Böttger

Members of the group Extinction Rebellion stormed the headquarters of the farmers’ association in Berlin-Mitte on Friday morning.

Several climate activists climbed onto the canopy of the entrance to the headquarters of the farmers’ association on Claire-Waldoff-Strasse. A man with a knife in one hand wore a butcher’s apron smeared with fake blood. In his other hand he held a chain, the end of which wound around the neck of another activist in a cow costume and mask.

Extinction Rebellion storms farmers' union on Claire Waldoff Strasse in Mitte.

The activists questioned the efficiency of the animal industry Photo: Spreepicture

To do this, they unrolled a poster that was directed against the dairy industry and described it in English as the main driver of the climate crisis.

Extinction Rebellion storms farmers' union on Claire Waldoff Strasse in Mitte.

The protest also targeted various brands Photo: Spreepicture

Several members had also lined up in front of the entrance with ropes wrapped around their hands. With signs they protested, among other things, against the “abuse of animals” and “criminal lobbying”. The protest was also directed against brands such as “Müller” and “Milka”.


Currently farmers Extinction Rebellion climate activists dairy farmers
