Extending central cores to taboe sea for Groenen: ‘Met open views to kernuitstap kijken’

Before Van der Straeten empties the actuality that we have our energy opnieuw in our own hands, we do not want the door break van hernieuwbare energy fors te versnellen. “So we strengthen our energy supply and we can increase the number of prices. There is no limit to the availability of fossil energy that we want to be able to do. Our economy in portfolio wordt is drawn up for afhankelijkheid van het Buitenland. We would like to increase the energy factuur structureel te publishers sooner.”

For the Groen-Minister, it is agreed that there will be a direct impact on the de facto increase as well as the BTW publishing of gas and electricity to 6 percent. Next to the btw-verlaging is nood aan het structural maken van een uitgebreid social tariff, luidt het.

Van der Straeten has also given the core stap with an open view. Ze prepared a basic new plan for plan A, the complete layout, and plan B, the lengthening of the two largest nuclear reactors. The impact van de oorlog in Oekraïne wordt daarin meegenomen. “Plan A is technically and legally clear in uitvoerbaar, but must be analyzed shortly beforehand in terms of energy-onafhankelijkheid”, aldus Van der Straeten. In Le Soir Ecolo-covoorzitter Jean-Marc Nollet draagt ​​vanmorgen dezelfde boodschap uit.

“De regering zal beslissen op Basis van feiten”, benarkt Van der Straeten nog. “Plan A and B should be considered in this way. That’s what we do, see in the real context, because we’re aware of that from others, or that there’s a taboo here. Maar not louder and beslissing over twee kerncentrales the 3 percent use made from our energies and the geen oplossing betekenen voor the korte termijn of voor de energiefactuur. He is nood aan a large energy door brake for 100 percent of our energy.”
