Extended daycare bonus, good news for families

THEImportant confirmation for families from the Government: the Kindergarten bonus, state financial support for parents with children aged 0 to 3 who attend public or private nursery schools, it will also be paid this year. The incentive will cover up to 11 months and changes based on the ISEE certification for minors.

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Nursery bonus extended

The subsidy was first introduced seven years ago, in 2016, and initially had a maximum limit of 1,000 euros. This amount could be used to cover the costs of day care, whether public or privately licensed, but was also applicable to all forms of home care for children under three years of age suffering from serious chronic pathologies, which remained. From 27 December 2019 the amount of the bonus was changed significantly, increasing the maximum amount of the contribution to 3,000 euros.

Who can apply

The INPS, the certifying body and provider of the bonus, accepts applications for obtaining the nursery bonus from the cohabiting parent or the subject who has legal custody of the child. The requirements to be able to send the application are: residence in Italy, therefore Italian, EU citizenship or with a regular residence permit valid in the EU which must be self-certified in the electronic application by non-EU citizens. Likewise foreign citizens with the status of political refugees or subsidiary protection are equivalent.

Good news for Italian families with young children who need to attend nursery school (Getty)

You must be the tuition-paying parent of the minor and to obtain the maximum amount of 3,000 euros per year, the applicant must also have an ISEE calculated according to article 7 of DPCM n. 159/2013 for services aimed at minors in the family unit. If the bonus is requested by a parent who is not part of the minor’s family unit, the benefit is limited to a maximum of 1,500 euros per year. In the end, the applicant must live with the minor.

How to submit your application

Once the requirements have been met, the procedure for submitting the request is to be completed online through the INPS service or the patronages. By 31 July 2024, the application must be attached the payment receipts of the monthly fees, in order to certify the regularity of the payments.

What are the amounts

As indicated on the INPS website, the amount of the discount varies according to the Isee indicator for minors valid and follows three income brackets:

ISEE 25 thousand euros: the bonus is the maximum of three thousand euros per year which is divided into eleven months of 272.72 euros

ISSE from 25,001 euros up to 40,000 euros: the maximum annual bonus is 2,500 euros, divided into 227.27 euros for eleven months

ISEE greater than 40,001 euros, the maximum annual bonus is 1,500 euros. In this case, the maximum monthly amount payable is 136.37 euros, again for eleven months.

The nursery bonus it covers forms of home assistance for children under the age of three suffering from serious pathologies chronic. In this case it is necessary to attach the certificate of the pediatrician who is treating the minor to the application.

