Expo 2025 Osaka: again Dutch pavilion at world exhibition | news item

News item | 20-05-2022 | 16:30

The Netherlands participates in the Expo 2025 world exhibition in Osaka. This was decided by the Council of Ministers on a proposal from Minister Schreinemacher for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. From now on, preparations for the design of the Dutch pavilion will begin. Osaka expects 28 million business and private visitors.

Japan will host the World’s Fair in Osaka from April 13 to October 13, 2025, themed “Designing Future Society for Our Lives

Minister Schreinemacher: “That ties in well with what the Netherlands has to offer: innovative and sustainable solutions. For example, when it comes to renewable energy and smart use of scarce water.”

About 150 countries and 25 organizations will participate in the World Expo in Japan. 20 million euros has been reserved for the Dutch participation. The previous Expo took place in Dubai.

Minister Schreinemacher: “As Minister for Foreign Trade, I noticed during my visit to the Expo 2020 Dubai that there is a lot of demand for Dutch knowledge and technology. At a world exhibition we can really show the world from the best side.”


Japan is one of the largest economies in the world and an important trading partner for the Netherlands. In 2021, the Netherlands exported 4.3 billion euros worth of goods to Japan. The Netherlands is also an important investment country for Japan. More than 600 Japanese companies together have more than 800 branches in the Netherlands. The impact of the Dutch participation in the Expo is broader. Many visitors are also expected from the East Asian region, for example from South Korea. Moreover, in 2025, the Netherlands and Japan will celebrate 415 years of good relations.

Expo as a springboard

The Dutch participation in Dubai provided a springboard for the Netherlands to Dubai and the wider Gulf region. More than 125 events for companies and knowledge institutions took place in the pavilion. Dozens of trade missions from the Netherlands also visited, including two led by a minister. The fifty companies that participated in the trade mission to Dubai in November 2021 indicate that together they already expect more than 100 million euros in extra turnover. With the pavilion and the participating organizations and companies, the Netherlands has presented its business card and our trading position has been strengthened, especially in the Gulf region. That is also the stake in Japan.

Next steps Osaka

In the coming period, there will be close collaboration with the Dutch business community and Dutch cultural organizations and knowledge institutions about the design and realization of the pavilion and the activities surrounding the Expo in Osaka.
