Explosion in my Turkey: two dead, dozens injured and missing | Abroad

Two people have been killed in an explosion at a mine in northern Turkey. There would also be dozens of injured and people who are still detained

That reports the local governor Nurtac Arslan. The explosion was believed to have been caused by a transformer, the Turkish disaster authority Afad believes.

“Right now, 44 people are trapped 300 meters below the entrance to the mine, and 5 people are 350 meters below,” Arslan said. Eight people were able to leave the mine on their own, according to Arslan. Images from Turkish television show people being carried to ambulances as emergency services enter the mine. The mining union in question is talking about 35 people who would still be incarcerated.

Energy Minister Fatih Donmez and Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu are on their way to the mining area near the Black Sea, according to Anadolu news agency.

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