Explosion in house in threatened neighborhood Houses, local residents evacuated

A home in Huizen was badly damaged by an explosion last night. It is a house on the Roef and it would also be one of the two houses that until recently were specially secured by the police. Local residents are temporarily housed elsewhere and the street has been cordoned off.

Police are currently investigating the explosion. It is being checked whether the situation in the house is safe enough before the fire service can enter the building, a police spokesperson told NH Nieuws. Because it is not certain that the explosion risk has passed, the residents in the surrounding homes are being evacuated and relocated.

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Last weekend, the mayor decided to close this house and an opposite house for serious security reasons. The police and the Public Prosecution Service had informed the mayor that there would be immediate danger for local residents. But the exact threat was not disclosed.

A special police surveillance unit has secured the neighborhood for days. Heavy artillery was used, the police were present with automatic weapons and armored cars.

During last night’s explosion, the special surveillance unit was no longer present. The security of the police had meanwhile been scaled down, because the threat picture had diminished. A suspect was also arrested a few days ago who may be involved in the threat to the two homes.
