Explosion in apartment complex blows out almost all windows: “I was gone just in time”

The havoc is enormous after this morning around 6:45 am an explosion took place on the Comeniusstraat in Amsterdam Nieuw-West. The windows of dozens of homes are shattered. No one was injured, but the fear is good. “It could have ended very differently.”

Many residents were still sleeping or had just finished their first cup of coffee when they heard a huge bang. “You are completely shocked. It is like war”, says one of them.

In addition to broken windows, there is considerable damage to a number of front doors and mailboxes. The streets in front of the buildings are strewn with glass. A resident points to a hole in one of the entrances to the complex. “This is where my mailbox was, with the emphasis on Sat. There’s nothing left of it.”

“It is a miracle that there were no injuries,” she continues. “It could have ended very differently. I’ll sleep with my mother tonight.”

“I’ve never experienced anything like this and I’ve lived here for fifty years”

resident charles

75-year-old Charles lives on the first floor of the apartment complex. “I’ve never experienced anything like this and I’ve lived here for fifty years. It’s terrible.” He lacks the windows in his bedroom, living room and kitchen. “I got out of the kitchen just in time. It was completely full of glass here,” he says.

The background of the explosion is not yet known. It is not yet clear who is behind the explosion, a police spokesperson said.

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