Exploitation of dancers in Käärijä’s UMK performance?

Mikko Silvennoinen has commented on the Eurovision Song Contest and the New Music Competition since 2016. Jenni Gästgivar

Yle’s long-time talent reviewer will also be the commentator for the Uusi Musiikki competition this year Mikko Silvennoinen.

On Friday, on the eve of the UMK final, Silvennoinen published a surprising exit from the competition’s pre-favorite Käärijä’s performance on his Instagram account. Käärijä participates in the UMK final with his fast-paced song Cha Cha Cha.

Silvennoinen commented on the performance in the live broadcast of his Instagram account on Friday afternoon, after he had followed the training of all UMK competitors for tomorrow’s competition. Silvennoinen threw the biggest criticism in the direction of Käärijä.

– I was mostly left to think about it. I like it a lot. It’s funny the more I think about it. But really. It’s demeaning to the dancers. Insulting the whole art of dance. Will the gang figure it out at first glance? There are so many expectations, so many expectations, Silvennoinen sighed in the live broadcast of Yle’s social media editor Henkka to Remes.

– I am worried. The first time I was like what’s going on. On the third one, I was like, wow. But people don’t have three times, Silvennoinen commented.

Also in the video story of his Instagram account, Silvennoinen comments on Käärijä’s UMK performance with rather harsh words.

– Can you do this for dancers? Is this exploitation of dancers? Can I do this? Silvennoinen shines in a video.

The wrapper is the absolute early favorite of the competition. Elle Laitila

Iltalehti caught up with Silvennoinen to comment on his exit. He can’t reveal the content of the show, but he agrees to say a few things about the show.

– It takes a very twisted, brutal and ironic approach to competitive dance culture, such as Cha Cha dancers. All the twisty horror-cha chat is in the air.

– I hope real Cha Cha dance professionals can laugh along with this, Silvennoinen sums up.

The New Music Competition will be shown on Saturday, February 25 on the Yle TV1 channel. You can find all program information at Telku.

The wrapper identifies previous five-time winners in the video.
