Exploded house was not supplied by gas line

Firefighters on the rubble of the house

Firefighters on the rubble of the house Photo: Spreepicture

From BZ/dpa

After the explosion in a residential building in Mescherin, Uckermark, the criminal police continued to search for the cause.

Firefighters found a burned body inside the building. “The investigations are going in all directions and should bring more light into the darkness,” said a spokesman for the Uckermark Police Inspectorate on Saturday. Traces are still being sought at the destroyed house in the small village of Neurochlitz in the municipality of Mescherin. The crime scene is still confiscated.

Firefighters at the scene of the accident

Firefighters at the scene of the accident Photo: Spreepicture

The older family home was completely destroyed. “There was nothing left when the emergency services arrived,” said the spokesman for the police inspection. There is no evidence that other people were in the house. It was also said on Saturday that it had not yet been clearly clarified whether the dead man was really the homeowner.

According to the current knowledge, the police cannot say what the triggers were.

When asked about possible causes of an explosion, the spokesman for the police inspection said the house was not supplied by a gas line. According to him, there was a “wood burning stove”.


Currently Brandenburg police explosion Uckermark
