Experts warn of a very strong covid growth in Catalonia

The group of Computational Biology and Complex Systems of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (BIOCOM-UPC) has recorded “bad data” in the evolution of the transmission of covid-19with a growth in cases “very strong”. He has added that it is not ruled out that it remains an upward trend in ICU admissions, following that of the last few days, but expects it to be at “lower” values ​​than in other waves. Beware especially of those of the strong rise in those over 60 Y ask caution with the vulnerable.

The researchers explain that the strong increases in transmission may be associated with Immunity loss, possibly due to new variantsas well as changes in the pattern of interactions.

The group has explained that the cases in the younger population are underdetected and for this reason direct comparisons cannot be made with other age groups, only trends, since the percentage of patients with few symptoms is higher among the young population.

Faced with this situation, he highlighted the importance of having the complete vaccination schedule and care for vulnerable people.

The data

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Without going any further, the latest data from Health, communicated this Tuesday, already confirmed the continued increase in the reference indicators, as well as hospital pressure: 1,517 people hospitalized for covid, 232 more than a week ago, of which 40 are serious in the ucis, seven more than last Tuesday.

The speed of spread of the virus (Rt) is at 1.22, sixteen hundredths more than a week ago, that is, every hundred infected people infect an average of 122 people, which indicates that the virus continues to grow with the expansion of the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants of the omicron, more contagious. Positivity is very high, as in January: 25.4%. Every day further away from the 5% established by the WHO to consider an epidemic controlled.
