Experts give tips: How to heat properly – and these alternatives are there

Heat effectively and save electricity

What options are there for saving gas and electricity without having to buy a new heating system or more efficient electrical appliances directly, which initially involves additional costs? Jan-Peter Peters, energy expert at the Hamburg consumer advice center, explained to the NDR that it depends on the individual situation and that there is no general advice to follow. Because it is crucial whether you live in a new or old building, which radiators you have and how well the windows are insulated. According to Peters, however, there is at least one thing that everyone should pay attention to: The room temperature should not fall below 16 °C, otherwise “condensation water could form and condensation water will eventually mean mold”. Regular ventilation can prevent this. In order not to let the room cool down too quickly, heavy curtains in front of the windows could also help, especially if there is insufficient insulation. It also makes sense to only heat rooms that are inhabited a lot.

According to Peters, investing in an energy meter could make sense for larger and possibly older electrical devices. In this way, one can extrapolate how much energy the refrigerator or television consumes in a year and whether a new purchase is worthwhile. Jan Bornemann, legal advisor at the Hamburg consumer advice center, also recommends in an interview with NDR that you take another look at the current contracts. Above all, you should look at the amount you pay per kilowatt hour. Because gas and electricity are charged according to consumption, i.e. kWh. You should also check whether there is a price guarantee in the contract. This protects consumers from price increases. If the price is nevertheless increased, legal action can be taken against it.

Rbb24 reported on such a case in February. Here, the provider increased the prices despite the price guarantee and ignored the cancellation that the customer then submitted. He got legal advice and was ultimately able to terminate the contract. Such cases are also a reason why the consumer advice center recommends short terms for electricity and gas contracts. After terminating a current contract, you should also think about whether you should go to the basic service. There is no guarantee that prices will stay the same, but in Hamburg, for example, the default gas supplier is currently twelve ct/kWh. In such a scenario, it makes sense to go to basic services, says Bornemann.

Another point to watch out for is back payments. Especially in the current phase, there may be higher additional payments. You should always check these. The consumer advice center can also be the right contact person. Because it can happen that incorrect meter readings are passed on to the supplier. In such a case, you have to correct the amount to be paid afterwards. If the meter readings are correct, you can agree to pay in installments if you have a high back payment.

Are there alternatives to gas heating?

Heating without gas is of course possible these days. Switching to renewable energies in particular can give independence from suppliers and is often also subsidized by the state. The heat pump is the leading, future-proof alternative. Heat pumps work in a similar way to a refrigerator, only in reverse. The environmental heat from the air, groundwater or the earth meets a refrigerant here, so the air evaporates even at low temperatures. The resulting pressure is further increased by a compressor, and the resulting heat is then used to heat the living quarters, explains Focus Online. There are different models that cost between 10,000 and 25,000 euros each. The acquisition costs are therefore quite high, plus there are also the costs for electricity, which is necessary to operate the heat pump. This can cost up to 1,000 euros a year. However, these costs can be significantly reduced with a photovoltaic system. According to Bosch, if you replace the heat pump with your old heating system, there can be government subsidies of up to 45 percent.

In addition to a heat pump, there are other alternatives. You can also have your current gas heating system modernized and converted into a hybrid model. A gas condensing boiler can be combined with a solar system, for example. Purchase including installation, however, also start at not quite cheap 6,000 euros. Depending on the model and whether with or without a hot water tank, the purchase can also cost up to 19,000 euros. However, if an old heating system is replaced, there is a subsidy of 30 percent on the total investment costs. Hybrid models of gas heating are also available in combination with a heat pump. Wood heating is also considered sustainable heating, because wood burns the CO2 that the trees have previously absorbed while growing and converted into oxygen and biomass. With regard to the price development compared to gas, a wood heating system could be worthwhile, especially if there is the possibility of cutting firewood yourself. According to Viessmann, the state subsidizes up to 45 percent of the investment costs. However, in order to take advantage of the perfect opportunity for you, we recommend going to a specialist, because there are only limited options depending on where you live.

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