Expert: Tiktok can spy on its users

The browser built into the application can practically see everything that the user writes in the browser.

The Tiktok application is particularly popular among teenagers and young adults. Jakub Porzycki

Information security researcher Felix Krause has published its report which contains bad news for Tiktok application users. There are a lot of them, as the Chinese video app has more than a billion monthly active users.

In his report, Krause examined popular social media apps and how they track their users.

If the user of the application has used Tiktok’s built-in browser, the application has been able to monitor all keyboard inputs and taps. So in practice: if the user has opened a link in TikTok with its internal browser, the application has been able to see all the information written inside it.

– This can include passwords, credit card information and other information, Krause writes.

Many different products are marketed on Tiktok, and their purchase links are shared directly in connection with the application’s videos, so entering bank and credit card information in the browser, for example, would not sound unusual.

For example, a social media and data protection expert has tweeted about it Harto Pönkä.

– If you have installed Tiktok on your work phone, remove it now at the latest, he writes.

He was the first to write about it
