Expert team to investigate attack on military facility in Iran

TEHRAN (dpa-AFX) – The Iranian government will send a team of experts to the city of Isfahan to investigate the background to the attacks on a military facility. This was announced by the security committee of the Iranian parliament on Sunday on state broadcaster IRIB. In addition to military experts, members of the Security Committee should also take part in the investigations and then announce the decisions made by the political leadership.

According to a report by the state news agency IRNA, an ammunition factory belonging to the Ministry of Defense near the metropolis of Isfahan in central Iran was attacked with several small aircraft on Sunday night. According to the Iranian Defense Ministry, it was a military attack. Three of the aircraft were destroyed by Iranian air defense. No one was injured in the attack.

Foreign Minister Hussein Amirabdollahian described the attacks as cowardly and at the same time ridiculous. Such attacks did not undermine the country’s military or nuclear achievements, Iran’s chief diplomat said, according to the Tasnim news agency. Amirabdollahian did not say who he believed was responsible for the attacks. In political circles, however, there is talk of the two Iranian archenemies Israel and the USA./vee/DP/stw
