Expert Ina Remmers: “Good neighbors are a treasure”

Ina Remmers (38), founder of

Ina Remmers, founder of Photo:

By Sara Orlos Fernandes and Björn Trautwein

For “Neighborhood Day” BZ spoke to expert Ina Remmers (38) from

BZ: How important is a functioning neighborhood in a big city?

Ito Remmers: Neighborhoods can provide a sense of belonging in an increasingly opaque and rapidly changing world. Such contacts strengthen togetherness and the feeling of home – especially in anonymous big cities.

Neighbors are better than their reputation?

There is a Hungarian proverb that says “Good neighbors are a treasure”. I experience again and again how valuable a good relationship is: I can spontaneously ask my neighborhood for advice if I need a good tip for a craftsman. The corona pandemic in particular has shown how helpful a good relationship can be. Our society needs more of this closeness, not less.

What can you do to build a good neighborhood?

First of all, it is important to walk through the neighborhood with open eyes and to notice the people who live in your own area. It also helps not to make phone calls or check e-mails when you walk to the train station.

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