Expert group comes up with measures to strengthen purchasing power and fight inflation, including lower speed limits on highways | Inland

The expert group on purchasing power and competitiveness has submitted a first report to the federal government. The experts hope to combat sky-high inflation by focusing on the most vulnerable in society, among other things. Moreover, they want a faster green transition. To this end, they argue, among other things, for a reduction in the speed limit on highways. That writes ‘Het Nieuwsblad’.

The core of the federal government spent two hours this afternoon examining a first report by the ‘Purchasing Power and Competitiveness Expert Group’. This group consists mainly of economists who have to propose measures to combat the inflation crisis and to strengthen purchasing power. Pierre Wunsch, the governor of the National Bank and the chairman of the expert committee, explained the report to ‘Het Nieuwsblad’.

The experts propose nine concrete measures that the government should further develop:

• As soon as energy prices fall sharply again, economists want it reduced VAT rate on electricity and gas is raised again or an equivalent increase via the excise duties on the invoice.

• The tax brackets must be indexed early become. In this way, employees will have more wages left over after wage indexation.

• The experts want it social energy rate or advocate for similar compensation through specific checks. In addition, they ask to investigate whether the social rate can still be extended to more consumers, although that will cost the government a lot of money.

• The group proposes that the wage indexation is under scrutiny. The experts want the timing of the indexations and the index basket of the health index to be examined in order to identify possible shortcomings.

• The economists want that companies get benefits if they move away from fossil fuels† For example, they propose an accelerated deduction for green investments.

• The experts argue in favor of to make structural creaming of the surplus profits of, for example, energy company Engieto ensure predictability.

• The committee wants the government to act quickly to prevent a wave of avoid new variable, expensive energy contracts† For example, they argue in favor of obliging energy players to offer at least a fixed and a variable contract.

• The experts also argue for a lower speed limit on highways and an accelerated phasing out of subsidies for company cars† In the long term, we all have to use less energy, it sounds like. To this end, the government must focus more on better insulation of social housing and other modest homes.

• Finally, the group focuses on the importance of green investments† Fossil fuels should be discouraged. Less VAT must also be paid, but excise duties must be increased. When investments in green energy and renovation are profitable without subsidies, the government must reduce its subsidy policy.
