Experimental car exploded, the second researcher died

The 25-year-old graduating student didn’t make it. He was in the car that exploded on the Naples ring road. Last Monday the Cnr researcher died. The Ris of the carabinieri are on the field to understand what happened

The toll of the explosion of the experimental car that took place on Friday 23 June on the Naples ring road worsened: the trainee Fulvio Filace, 25, who was on the prototype next to the CNR researcher Maria Vittoria Prati, 66, also died on Thursday 29. died on Monday 26 June. The doctors in the severe burns department of the Cardarelli hospital tried in vain to save them: the wounds caused by the flames that suddenly flared up were too serious, for reasons that are still unclear and into which the Naples Public Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation.

the investigations

Double homicide and fire, for the moment against unknown persons, are the crimes on which the prosecutors are working, after having delegated the investigations to the Carabinieri. The soldiers of the Investigative Nucleus of the Provincial Command of Naples, together with their colleagues from the Ris of Rome, will have to identify the causes of the explosion of the car. It was a Volkswagen Polo on which an innovative machine, the result of a start-up, had been installed to allow the engine to operate in hybrid mode, also thanks to a solar panel mounted on the roof of the car. From the first findings it would seem that the explosion was caused by the mini cylinders contained in a device for measuring emissions: a long and complex work of the experts is expected to trace the gases contained in the cylinders and the factor that could have triggered the explosion. A twin car of the destroyed one, seized after the tragedy, will also be studied. The only element so far excluded is the collision: the cameras of the ring road have shown that the vehicle exploded while driving without having been hit.

the condolences of the cnr

The president of the Cnr, Maria Chiara Carrozza, today expressed condolences for the victims. “After the start of the internal audit – reads the institution’s website – the Cnr immediately worked to reconstruct the causes of the very serious event, and facilitate the conduct of the necessary and dutiful investigations by the investigators”. Condolences also from the mayor Gaetano Manfredi, the rector of Federico II Matteo Lorito and the parliamentarian Francesco Emilio Borrelli, who announces a question. A thought also from Professor Fabio Murena, husband of the first victim: “We hoped until the end that Fulvio could be saved”.
