Experienced ladies talk about Antti Ruuska

Spouse Tuula Moilanen talks about the treatment of her wing in the book Räting’s place. The spearman laughs at Iltalehti about the activities of the fans.

Spearman Antti Ruuskanen biography Place of Räting (January) is said to be a very popular type of athlete.

– For example, on boat trips, women come to squeeze Antti in a small pretty way. After the show gigs, I have told Antti that you can go straight to the shower, Ruuskanen’s spouse Tuula Moilanen describes in the book.

Ruuskanen laughs at Iltalehti about it.

– The toughest fans who understand the good are the plus 50 years. Ruuskanen’s son’s sense of humor has sunk into them. After all, they are even younger, but by far the largest group of fans are these more experienced women, the spear hero grins.

In the book, Moilanen says:

– Once upon a time there was a signature queue after the race and the women came to roughly suck Antt from the face. I squeezed the umbrella next to it. On the cruises, Anttia is torn to the dance floor, even though I’m next door, Moilanen says.

Ruuskanen tells Iltalehti that there is humor in the comments.

– The unmarried spouse has not gone under the skin, but there is a speck in the corner of his eye. He has been a wall rose when there have been narrators and hugs.

Antti Ruuskanen is a popular man. Jussi Eskola

Antti Ruuskanen and Tuula Moilanen live in Pielavesi. Picture from 2014. Kalevi Tiitinen
