Exodus has started at Awakenings Festival: ‘Had only just arrived here’


The exodus has started at Awakenings in Hilvarenbeek, the last festival Sunday has been canceled due to the impending storm. Tents are packed and cars are already fully loaded, now that the festival has come to an early end. Visitors are disappointed, but understand the organisation’s decision.

Profile photo of Janneke BoschProfile photo of Jan Waalen

Three boys had traveled all the way from Groningen to experience the festival. They had only arrived on Saturday and mainly wanted to have a party on Sunday. But that is now falling into the water. To make the best of it, they have unfolded their seats in the parking lot. “Then let’s have a party here”, it sounds cheerful. “Everyone, come here!”

“Did we come all the way from Australia, it’s off!”

Two guys from Australia have had an even longer journey for the Awakenings Summer Festival. Despite the early end of their festival, they can still laugh. “Did we come all the way from Australia, the third day will not take place! But, we have good memories of the first days.”

Awakenings itself says that it was a ‘tough but necessary’ decision to cancel the third festival day. Due to the expected storm, the organization could not guarantee the safety of the visitors. Heavy thunderstorms are expected later in the day, with large hailstones and strong gusts of wind. The KNMI has declared code orange.

People on the festival grounds have been asked to leave. And people who only had a ticket for Sunday are requested not to come to Hilvarenbeek anymore.

“I’ve got a beer and music, so why should I be sad?”

A few boys from England also respond to the call to leave. At least, they’ve already made it from the festival grounds to the parking lot. There is one of the boys with a beer in his hand and a sound box on his stomach. “I’ve got a beer and I’ve got music, so why should I be sad?” Although there are certainly plans to really leave the site soon. “We are from England and I think we will soon go to Amsterdam.”


Festival Awakenings will also be canceled on Sunday due to bad weather

Code orange: severe thunderstorms with large hailstones expected
