Exit clause like BVB? Explosive Haaland question remains unresolved

After two and a half impressive years at Borussia Dortmund, Erling Haaland moved to Manchester City in the Premier League in the summer of 2022. The outstanding performance of the ex-BVB professional there is accompanied by rumors of a future commitment to other world-class clubs. Statements from Haaland’s advisor fuel speculation.

When poker for Erling Haaland entered the hot phase before the current season, in addition to Manchester City, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain in particular were considered promising contenders for the then goalscorer from Borussia Dortmund.

Ultimately, Haaland switched from BVB to the English and signed a five-year contract. However, the rumors about his future plans do not stop. Probably also because speculation about an exit clause anchored in his contract with ManCity from the summer of 2024 persists.

City’s team manager Pep Guardiola personally took the trouble to deny the speculation in October.

Quite a few experts wanted to read between the lines, however, that a clause with the former BVB star is ultimately not completely ruled out.

Question about Erling Haaland’s release clause “difficult to answer”

One who needs to know is Haaland’s agent Rafaela Pimenta, who finalized the attacker’s move to Man City following the death of Mino Raiola.

The question of whether Haaland’s contract includes an exit clause is “difficult to answer”, Pimenta said mysteriously when asked by “AS”.

The risk of being misunderstood is great, so she prefers “not to say anything,” said the Brazilian, who took over from Raiola to represent Haaland in December 2022.

BVB had to give Erling Haaland an exit clause

Confronted in an interview with why the rumor persists, Pimenta remains cryptic. The mysterious is “always interesting. It’s always sexy, isn’t it,” says the consultant. She could not comment on Guardiola’s statement because she had not seen it.

In addition, Haaland is currently very happy in Manchester. It is “unhealthy” to think about the next adventure after just one season.

Basically, Pimenta continues, it is her job as a consultant to ensure that her clients always have “the key” should they want to unlock another door.

A circumstance that BVB also felt. Dortmund once had to agree to allow Haaland to leave early, otherwise Red Bull Salzburg would not have moved to the Ruhr area. The confirmed Pimenta.
