Existing coalition Maasgouw continues | 1Limburg

Maasgouw will once again have a coalition of Local Interest, CDA and VVD. Informer and almost former alderman Johan Lalieu of Lokaal Interest advises this after talks with all six parties.

The three parties together have 14 of the 19 seats in the municipal council.

Joint Policy
According to informateur Lalieu, Lokaal Belang, CDA and VVD are most in agreement about the course that the municipality of Maasgouw should take in the coming years. They also want to continue with the policy that they have jointly deployed from 2018. “For this they have also received the confidence of 4 out of 6 voters. Or 67 percent,” said Lalieu.

However, the picture differed per coalition party. Local Interest went from 7 to 8 seats and thus remained by far the largest party. The VVD also won and rose from 2 to 3 seats. But the CDA lost and fell from 5 to 3 seats.

In his advice, informateur Lalieu recommends that the coalition parties continue to seek cooperation with the three other parties in the municipal council. These are the Local People’s Party Maasgouw, which has risen from 2 to 3 seats. And furthermore the debuting one-person faction of D66 and that of Nieuw Links Maasgouw. That party halved from 2 to 1 seat. Local Interest, CDA and VVD will draw up a coalition agreement in the coming weeks and divide the alderman posts.
