Exercise for the elderly: Exercises & more

Enough exercise can significantly improve the quality of life later in life. For the elderly who want to start, but who don’t know where to start, we have listed a number of effective exercises and other ways of moving for you.

Exercises for the elderly

There are four main types of exercise for the elderly. These types of exercises are:

  1. Muscle strengthening exercises.
  2. Coordination and balance exercises.
  3. Exercises for flexibility.
  4. Exercises for fitness.

Are you curious about why these types of exercises are important and what are the benefits of fitness for the elderly? Then read our article about fitness for the elderly.

Muscle strengthening exercises for the elderly

To strengthen the muscles and to maintain as much muscle mass as possible, the elderly can do simple strength exercises. Older people are very prone to injuries and so it is important that the strength training exercises for seniors are very safe to perform. Below are three examples of safe and effective fitness exercises for the elderly.


This is an effective exercise to strengthen the legs. This exercise can also be performed alongside something to hold on to. This way you can guide yourself up and down and lower the risk of falling. Pay attention to the following points when performing.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly apart.
  2. Keep your back straight.
  3. Keep your arms stretched out in front of you.
  4. Sink your knees and press your knees out.
  5. Sink until your knees have reached a 90 degree angle (if lowering that deep doesn’t feel comfortable you can lower as far as you can).
  6. Hold the deepest position for a moment and come back up.


Many elderly people suffer from lower back complaints. Strengthening your core can reduce these complaints. The plank is one of the safest core exercises for the elderly. Note the following points when performing the exercise.

  1. Rest on your elbows with your shoulders and elbows straight together.
  2. Keep your hips off the floor and tighten your abs.
  3. Push the ground away and stand firm.
  4. First try to hold this position for 30 seconds and build it up slowly

wall push ups

This is a safe and effective way to strengthen the arms. You can make this exercise more difficult by moving your feet more back or placing your hands on a lower elevation. Perform the exercise as shown below.

  1. Place your hands at shoulder width and height.
  2. Pocket controlled with your face towards the wall.
  3. Keep your elbows in.
  4. Keep your abs tight.
  5. Push yourself back up when your face is close to the wall.

Most of the machines in the gym are also very effective muscle-strengthening exercises for the elderly.

Coordination and balance exercises for the elderly.

It is important that the elderly try to prevent falls as much as possible, because recovery is a slow process for them. That is why it is wise to work on your balance and coordination. Below are three examples of safe and effective exercises. The exercises mainly consist of stability exercises for ankle and stability exercises for the knee.

Balancing on one leg

This exercise is relatively simple. You stand on one leg and try to balance for about 30 seconds. You can gradually build up the number of seconds. Just make sure you have something next to you to lean on if you lose your balance.

A variation on this exercise is that you can pretend you are walking on a beam. Always put your feet in front of each other and try to keep your balance.

Stand on your toes

In this exercise, you stand on your toes along the wall and try to balance on your toes. When you lose your balance you can lean on the wall, but try to do this as little as possible. See how long you can keep this up and build up this time over time. This is one of the most effective balance exercises for the elderly with weak ankles.

Sit down without hands and get up again

All the exercises mentioned are very functional exercises for the elderly, but this one is certainly very important. Every 4 minutes a person over 65 ends up in hospital because of a fall. This often happens, among other things, when it balances when standing up. That is why it is good to train specifically for this. Follow the steps below.

  1. Sit on a couch or chair.
  2. Place your feet in the same position as for the squat.
  3. Shift the weight to your legs and press your knees out.
  4. Get up from the chair or couch in a controlled manner.
  5. Sit back on the bench in a controlled manner for another repetition.

Exercises for flexibility

The older you get, the more your flexibility will decrease. Which joints become most stiff often differs per person, but many elderly people mainly experience problems with their back and hips. In the video below you will find a simple and safe stretching routine.

Exercises for the condition

To prevent cardiovascular disease, it is also important to continue to train your condition. Most elderly people are of course no longer able to run. We have therefore listed a number of safe ways of fitness training for you.

  1. Walking on a treadmill with incline.
  2. Cycling (can be done on an exercise bike, but also outside.
  3. Swimming
  4. elliptical cross trainer
  5. air boxes

Are you curious about what other ways there are to improve your condition? Then read our article about improving fitness without running.
