EXCLUSIVE. Na het zoveelste afgelaste festival: how is zakenman Hugo ‘Foetsie’ Foets? “As je ooit van plan bent om je schoonmoeder te verkopen, bel dan Hugo” | Exclusive for subscriptions

Organizer Hugo Foets (58) looks after 500 guests in the middle of the day at the Laakdalse dome in De Vesten. Het zijn 500 van de in a total of 5,000 tickets from the festival ‘100% Retro’, the previous season had wanted plaatsvinden, maar op het nippertje were afgelasted. If you don’t mind, the festival-goers can now wait for a fee. ‘100% Retro’ is really not the only project from Foets dat ten or went. One more thing about the most famous zakenman in showbizzland.

Mark Coenegracht

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