Exclusive concert The Levellers at Europafeesten Tielt

Exclusive concert The Levellers at Europafeesten Tielt

On Saturday evening the English folk rock band The Levellers was on the bill. It was a unique concert, because the group will not tour in Europe this summer, except at this festival.

The people of Tielt have missed their parties in recent years. This is very clear to the public: “People need that again, that folk music. Already modern music, we don’t need that, but that folk music has to come back.”

Full market

The atmosphere was already good as the evening warmed up. That was the folk rock group Mc Bee’s Brewery from Tielt. After that, the market in Tielt is completely full for the famous folk rock band The Levellers. The Europafeesten in Tielt is the only festival in Europe where the band can be seen this summer.
