EXCLUSIVE. Boris Van Severen and Frances Lefebure have their first child together: “My ex, me, Frances, the children: we did well” | Exclusively for subscribers

BV“I hadn’t planned to say it, but I can’t help but answer this question. Frances is pregnant.” The high word is out: the most famous showbiz couple in Flanders, Boris Van Severen (34) and Frances Lefebure (34), are having a baby. That’s what Boris tells in our interview series ‘The 16 Questions of De Wachter’. “I am so happy to be able to experience this,” he says. “And that it is with her.” In this interview: an overjoyed Boris, that is. Who talks a hundred times about Frances, about the pregnancy, about how she is doing and about the reaction of his sons to the news.

Sabine Vermeiren

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