Excitement at the Tour de France: Thumbtacks on the road?

Excitement at the Tour de France: Before the final climb of the second stage, strangers had apparently spread tacks on the road. Numerous professional cyclists had to change their wheels about 20 kilometers from the finish line due to punctures.

As the portal “cyclingnews.com” reported, the event was known to the organizer Aso, who had no further information.

French professional cyclist Lilian Calmejane posted a video on Twitter showing five thumbtacks in his front tire. “Thank you for this human nonsense,” he wrote. He doesn’t think he was the only victim in the end. Tom Pidcock also complained about a loss of tire pressure.

“I had a creeping flat tire and could feel it on the descent from Jaizkibel, but I had to break it in. I could feel it slipping a little in the corners,” Pidcock told “Cyclingnews” and the TV station “ITV”.

In addition, Groupama sporting director Philippe Mauduit also reported that some of his drivers suffered tire damage from the nails. Two drivers from the Lotto team were also affected.

There had already been a comparable incident on the 2012 tour. At that time, dozens of professional cyclists and some accompanying motorcycles complained about tire damage due to nails on the road on the 14th stage.
