Exchange to sale: Get rid of unloved gifts properly

What is the best way to get rid of unloved gifts after Christmas? This question will surely be asked by one or the other after the gift giving. Whether exchange, sale or donation – TECHBOOK reveals what recipients can do with unwanted gifts.

Giving presents at Christmas could be nice and contemplative if it weren’t for the crux of unloved or useless gifts: the wrong size, the wrong device, the wrong color, you already have it, you don’t need it. There are plenty of reasons why a technology gift is not as well received as one had hoped. But throwing it away is often too good. TECHBOOK explains what to do if you want to exchange or sell a gift.

At Christmas, gifts can often be exchanged longer

The best and most efficient way is to be honest and talk to the gift giver. In this way, they can exchange the gift at the retailer or get their money back.

However, there is no claim or right to this in retail, explains Philip Heldt. “You have to rely on goodwill here,” says the expert from the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center. Nevertheless, many sellers are accommodating, especially around Christmas time, and often offer an extended right of exchange. Before buying, it is therefore advisable to ask whether the goods can be returned if you do not like them.

In online trading, on the other hand, there is a 14-day right of withdrawal. Here too, according to the experts, most of the large Internet retailers are voluntarily extending their return or exchange periods over Christmas. This is how customers can Amazon For example, they have until January 31, 2023 to exchange their gifts purchased between November 1st and December 31st, 2022. Media Market and Saturn have extended the return period to December 31, 2022.

However, there are rules for returns. Many retailers – including online shops – do not take back opened goods that can no longer be resold for hygienic reasons, such as razors or epilators. It is therefore advisable not to open the packaging of the devices and not to destroy any seals. The latter applies above all to digital media such as computer and console games as well as music CDs and DVDs.

Sell ​​gifts through buying services or classifieds

But what to do if you cannot or do not want to tell the giver that you do not like the gift? In this case, the gift cannot be easily exchanged. Selling is the alternative here, for example via a purchasing service such as Asgoodasnew, Clevertronic, Rebuy or Wirkaufens.

And flea markets? Not a good idea, says consumer advocate Philip Heldt. They are not particularly suitable for high-quality electronics. According to the experts, it is more profitable to sell the device via online marketplaces such as eBay classifieds, Quoka or Shpock. Or you place a printed classified ad in a newspaper – or post notices on bulletin boards.

In addition, local Facebook groups offer the opportunity to advertise unwanted gifts. However, you should be patient when selling via the portals mentioned. Price negotiations can often drag on here.

Cash on collection is best

If you sell your gifts online, you should definitely ask for payment in advance. Only after the money has been received by the owner, either by bank transfer or PayPal, should the owner forward the goods to the buyer. This is the only way to ensure that he actually receives the purchase price. Alternatively, buyers and sellers can also agree on a personal handover with direct cash payment on site. Then not only is there no shipping and waiting time for the product, both parties also go home immediately with the money or the purchased item.

When calculating the price, it makes sense to check how expensive the gift was when you bought it, for example using price search engines or in the shop. Then it is important to calculate a reasonable discount. You can look online for how much money comparable devices were sold for.

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The most Christmassy alternative

If you are reluctant to sell online, you can simply ask friends or colleagues if someone could use the device. And if that doesn’t work either, you still have the chance to get rid of unloved items at the next Secret Santa. Or you choose the most Christmassy alternative and donate the unwanted gift.
