Excessive sweating: how to sweat less | iO Woman

Sthearing, as we know, is an absolutely physiological phenomenon. However, it may happen that the amount of sweat excreted from the body is significantly higher than the norm. In that case we are talking about hyperhidrosis or excessive sweatinga condition which, beyond the causes that provoke it, can cause great embarrassment and many difficulties in social relationships.

The part of the body most affected by the phenomenon they are often the palms of the hands but not only that: frequent it is in fact also hyperhidrosis affecting the feet and that can lead to annoying issues, such as the “athlete’s foot”.

But what can cause excessive sweating? AND how can you intervene to solve the problem? We asked the Professor Antonino Di Pietro dermatologist, director of the Vita Cutis Dermoclinic Institute.

Why you sweat: thermoregulation

«First of all we must underline that sweating is fundamental for our life – explains Professor Di Pietro. – Through sweat, in fact, we manage to maintain the correct and constant temperature of our body. Its function is to dissipate heatthus lowering the temperature. It must also be said that waste is eliminated with sweatof the catabolites of our organism. Proof of this is that when we eat certain foods, such as asparagus, but also when we take antibiotics, the sweat tends to take on the smell of these substances».

Sweat and microbiota

«Not only, with sweat we also manage to regulate the growth of microorganisms living in our skin, the so-called microbiome – continues the specialist. – When perspiration is impaired, microbiome imbalances occur that lead to proliferation of bad germs resulting risk of infection. We can therefore state that with sweat we can also control the formation of infections».

Sweat and olfactory communication

One aspect that we often tend to underestimate is how sweat can then also trigger a sort of unconscious communication among the people.

«Thanks to sweat, an olfactory communication is activated between human beings – explains Professor di Pietro – because they come pheromone excretionssubstances that are picked up unconsciously by those around us, transmitting emotions or unconscious messages».

Excessive sweating – nervous factors are at play

In short, sweat has fundamental functions for the body. But what is the mechanism that leads to the production of sweat? And why some people may sweat excessively?

“The sweat glands are richly innervated – explains the dermatologist. – So are reached by nerve stimuli which can regulate sweat production. When it is very hot or when the skin is dry, the brain sends an impulse to increase the amount of sweat. In certain situations, however, it can happen that the nervous system is overly reactive or that the skin sends exaggerated information to the brain which in turn thus sends the order to the glands to produce a lot of sweat. There are people who, as soon as they get a little excited, start sweating: it happens because the brain sends an exaggerated impulse even in the face of a very slight emotion».

Psycho-emotional balance: how to achieve and maintain it

Excessive sweating in menopause

Even the hormonesthen, can influence the production of sweat.

«Every time the skin tends to overheat, the sweat also increases and the skin warms up when more blood arrives – underlines Professor di Pietro. – In particular hormonal situations such as menopausephenomena occur vasodilationwhich give rise to the classics rowdy. Feeling warmer, therefore, the production of sweat also increases ».

But sweat excessively it can also be the indicator of a pathological condition?

“There may be some diseases affecting the microcirculation and therefore they can also result in a greater production of sweat – replies the specialist. – In case of diabetes, kidney and some liver diseases you tend to sweat a little more. In general, we can say that, whenever there is a hormonal or metabolic imbalance increased sweating may be present.

The emotional factor

Sweating is therefore a phenomenon linked to different situations but in most cases it is an emotional factor to trigger excessive stimulation of the sweat glands. By increasing the production of sweat in different parts of the body.

«The palms of the palms are usually more interested hands – explains Professor Di Pietro – but also feet, with often very annoying consequences. When sweat moistens the skin too much, in fact, bonds between cells can be altered that tend to fall apart, weakening the skin and promoting infections. On the feet, in particular, they can form mycosisa condition known as ‘athlete’s foot’.

Excessive sweating: treatments

The solution? In more serious cases it can be represented from surgery.

“It’s about an operation that aims to interrupt the transmission of the nerve impulse to the glands, acting on the nerve that regulates the production of sweat by the sweat glands of the armpits – explains the expert. – However it is a intervention really recommended only in the most difficult situations and delicate”.

Alternatively, you can also benefit from targeted treatments.

“The botulinum toxin injections, which I don’t like for aesthetic purposes, they can be useful in case of hyperhidrosis because they block the nerve impulse and they produce less sweat – underlines the specialist. – However it is one temporary solution whose beneficial effect lasts one or two months at the most”.

The new drugs

Exist effective drugs to reduce excessive sweating?

“I’m at the studio new drugs with active ingredients which can be taken by mouth or in the form of a cream – concludes the dermatologist. – There are therefore good hopes that progress will be made in the future to solve what is a problem that generates many difficulties for those who suffer from it. The advice, to date, is to always consult a dermatologist specialist that can suggest the best strategies».

