Exceptional: Chamber could not organize votes because majority with insufficient members was present | Inland

As usual, the plenary session had discussed a series of texts after Question Time on Wednesday. Highly controversial designs and proposals were not on the agenda. The controversial draft on the blood test obligation in healthcare had already been referred to the Council of State.

So, among other things, resolutions on the alleged violation of human rights in Hong Kong and psychosocial counseling of soldiers remained on the agenda.

It was N-VA party leader Peter De Roover who pointed out to his colleagues that the majority was present with barely 60 members, out of a total of 150 MPs. He immediately warned that there would be no voting if the Vivaldi parties did not gather additional people.

To be clear: some MPs of the majority were ill. Voting agreements had been made about this with N-VA, but the majority was not counted in number either.

Servais Verherstraeten (CD&V) subsequently admitted that it would not be possible to gather enough people in time and therefore proposed that the votes should take place next week.

The texts discussed will therefore be reviewed at the next plenary, but this postponement is not an everyday occurrence for that reason.
