“Excellent work”: Werder extended early with coach Werner

As of: 6/6/2023 2:23 p.m

By staying up, Ole Werner’s contract had already been extended for another season. Now he has agreed with Werder on a further expansion.

Werder and Ole Werner have extended their cooperation prematurely. The club announced this on Tuesday afternoon. Because Werner managed to stay in the Bundesliga with Bremen, his contract had been extended prematurely for the 2023/24 season anyway. Werder did not announce until when the new contract will apply.

Werner has been Bremen’s coach since November 28, 2021 and managed to get promoted back to the Bundesliga with the team in the summer of 2022. In the past season, they managed to stay on the bel etage. However, the trend has recently been clearly negative. Werder ended up in 17th place in the table for the second half of the season.

“We are in the process of gradually building and developing a team in order to establish Werder in the Bundesliga in the long term,” said Werner in a statement on “werder.de”. He would like to face this challenge. Especially since he has the feeling that all those responsible would pull together.

Joy at Baumann and Fritz

Head of sport Frank Baumann attests Werner “excellent work” with a view to the promotion and relegation so far. The sporting director Clemens Fritz emphasizes that it can be felt that Werner feels comfortable in Bremen and identifies with the club.

Ole uses his qualities as a coach to develop the team and each player. In addition, he does not see himself at the end of his development and is very willing to learn. We are therefore very pleased that we will continue on this path together at Werder.

(Clemens Fritz on “werder.de”)

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Bremen Eins, Rundschau, June 6, 2023, 4 p.m
