Exam stunt: school remains closed for fear of safety risks

Eckart College in Eindhoven will remain closed on Monday. This is done as a precaution. The secondary school is concerned about the safety risks surrounding a stunt by graduating students.

The school management reports this in one line on the Eckart College site.

According to Studio 040 she also sent an email to all parents and students on Sunday evening. The management does not want to say what kind of stunt it is.

In Tilburg, the police had to put an end to an exam stunt that got out of hand at the Koning Willem II College in Tilburg on Friday afternoon. The building was filled with smoke from two smoke bombs set off in the auditorium.

‘Major decision’
“It is a major decision, but we think it is the right decision. Otherwise, we cannot sufficiently guarantee safety at school,” said Rector Claire Arts of Eckart College to the city broadcaster. She declined to comment further. Nor does she comment on whether there will be any discussions with the students who organized the stunt.

The email to parents and students states that the ‘police will be visibly present on Monday’. The police confirm that extra officers will be on the scene, but its spokesperson also does not reveal the nature of the stunt.

There are approximately 1500 students at Eckart College in Eindhoven. The school expects to reopen its doors on Tuesday.
