Exam results for primary and secondary students also known: ‘Almost everyone passed despite corona’

The flag can be raised for final exam students of VMBO basic and framework in Drenthe. Around 12:00 the students of De Nieuwe Veste in Coevorden received the liberating word. It will be celebrated this afternoon with non-alcoholic bubbles and snacks, students come to pick up their grade list.

“We are very proud of the exam students. Despite corona, there are few who have to do a resit,” says final exam secretary Nicolette Wagtendonk. There are 25 graduates for the senior vocational track and fourteen for the basic vocational track.

A week later than VMBO students from the theoretical track, HAVO and VWO students, vocational and management students from VMBO also receive their exam results. This is because these students have made the exam digitally. The schools scheduled the exams themselves, so not all students took the exam at the same time. “This also applies to the students of De Nieuwe Veste. Because the exams were taken digitally, we were flexible,” says Wagtendonk.

The students who now also have their diploma in their pocket are now moving towards logistics, care or security. The students who passed in Coevorden today are eager to start their new education.” I was told by phone this morning that I passed, I did not expect it and I am therefore still completely in shock. Next school year I want to the CIBAP in Zwolle to do something with interior design,” says the successful Fleur.

A total of 197,000 students took their final exams throughout the Netherlands this year. Just over three quarters of the students received their results last week. Students who did not pass can take a resit until Friday 22 July.
