Exaltation of the Cross: the countryside is in fashion

On January 8, the game of exaltation of the cross became the center of entertainment news: the singer Ricky Montaner and the model Stefi Roitmann They celebrated their wedding at the Dok farm. The same day, a few kilometers away, the residents of Capilla del Señor -head of the party- saw the musician Chano Charpentier having a coffee at La Fusta bar with his new girlfriend. It is the fashion field of the famous.

“As we always say, exaltation of the cross It is the first town in the interior, and it is the place chosen by many visitors to get away from the concentration of people, enjoy nature and take a kind of trip back in time through certain areas of the main town, Capilla del Señor, which we keep,” he says. Diego Nanni, your mayor. The place maintains the characteristics of a country town, with a colonial center, narrow sidewalks and streets adorned with light bulbs, as in the song.

Carrió’s epiphany

“If it’s called that, I have to go live there,” he said. Lilith when he knew his name. The mystical call was reinforced when he learned of the sale of lots in a country club called “Chakras of the Cross”. He bought a lot and started building his dream house, country-style, with a pool and “lawn like a soccer field.” After almost ten years, the place is his home and his political bunker. There he receives the priests of the PRO and the Civic Coalition. There she visited Maria Eugenia Vidal, before and after deciding his political future. In August Lilita was denounced for celebrating her birthday with 70 people, folk groups and mariachis. This week the case was dismissed, although the restrictions only authorized 20 guests outdoors.

In the same neighborhood of farms lives Leon Gieco and they have their weekend houses the controversial doctor Ruben Muhlberger and the head of the Federal Police, Commissioner Juan Carlos Hernandez.

Gieco he works in the production of bands and hardly goes to town. Muhlberger Instead, he has his eyes set on an imposing property facing the square, El Miralejos, an Italian-style mansion where a private clinic operates and in which he would like to set up an institute dedicated to aesthetics and nutrition.

country life

homemade alfred He doesn’t live in a neighborhood. The actor has a farm of six hectares from where he posts his mornings with pure mate and surrounded by dogs. He has an active small-town life. It is common to see him in the mechanical workshops at the entrance, with a package of invoices under his arm, to invite the mechanics who help him fix his collection vehicles and noble motors that are his downfall.

“I have lost my documents and my wallet in Capilla del Señor. If anyone knows let me know. You can leave it in La Fusta”, he posts Home on Twitter and makes clear the confidence that the traditional Capilla bar arouses in him and the bond he maintains with its owner.

La Fusta is the strategic corner where locals and others drink coffee, have lunch and enjoy vermouth watching people go by, and where there are two shifts for dinner. So crowded. His owner Javier Curone relates that among his regulars he receives Juanita Viale, Marcela Tinayre, Silvina Chedieck, and to the members of the Piyus, the group of expeditionaries who travel the world by motorcycle and who also live in Capilla. On Saturdays and Sundays, it also welcomes the hundreds of bikers who come to have a drink and talk about irons. They are already part of the landscape.

Another of the visitors that Curone remembers is fabio zerpathe late ufologist who had his villa in Barrio El Remanso, on Route 8. He loved its starry sky, but he left no record of his sightings here.


nanny proudly says that “Capilla del Señor is the first historic town, but it also has a lot of green, beautiful landscapes, historic buildings, the Arroyo de la Cruz, public walks, gastronomic and lodging options of all kinds, rural towns such as Gaynor, Etchegoyen and Chenaut, and Los Cardales with its always very busy center”. And he adds: “The pandemic rethought life models. Many of those who had country houses or weekend farms decided to live here.”

Santiago Scalerandi, press secretary of the municipality, is another of those who opted for Chapel. From a young age he knew that he wanted to live in the country. Thanks to his father, he got to know the place and today he enjoys the election with his partner. “I gained in quality of life, in contact with nature, and in the way people relate to each other,” he says.

Scalarandi he put on his shirt and worked to spread his heritage. “We filmed videos with the points of interest. The Los Dos Ombúes grocery store, for example, which is one of the oldest in the country. The historical and cultural heritage is enormous. Imagine that the town dates back to 1735”.


The phenomenon of “Chapel”, as those in the area call it, has several edges. To the natural beauty of the place with its streams, and its green paths, is added what “Chapel does not have”. The visitor appreciates that there is no shopping mall, no movie theaters, no mass consumption centers with queues to pay. There are also no gauchos for export, or franchise businesses.

What “Chapel has” makes the difference. There are old stores where they sell clothes for common people, there are shoe stores and haberdashery, there are ladies who go out to buy with the bag in hand. And dogs that live in bars and belong to everyone.

There are also ranches and tourist farms, Polo clinics, flights in hot air balloons and journeys through the countryside in old carriages and on horseback. You can do glamping or traditional camping at the Capilla Social and Sports Club.

The circuit of antique houses and used articles attracts the seekers. The sheds of Antiguo Moderno are a circuit to walk among thousands of plates, cups, furniture, tables, lamps, and glassware. The shine of the crystals reminds of the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul and one does not understand how. As it happened to Lilita the first time she met him, and she bought furniture and objects for her house. Also the actresses Agustina Cherri and Érica Rivas took the memories of her. And last week Calu “Dignity” Rivero was shopping.

The pandemic confronts Exaltación with a moment of expansion. The great challenge will be to grow without losing its identity.

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