Ex-Treble singer honors deceased children with song | 1Limburg

Singer Niña van Dijk, who became known with the girl trio Treble, is back with new, Dutch-language music. Her new single ‘Between the stars’ is about the two sons she lost due to premature birth.

preterm birth
In 2020, Niña gave birth to son Samuel, who was seventeen weeks old at the time, much too early. The same thing happened a year later, when she was twelve weeks pregnant. Through those intense experiences she found out that, in addition to running her own singing schools, she wanted to start making songs again.

“When I was in hospital and lost a lot of blood, there was suddenly the realization: I miss singing,” she told the radio program L1 Cultuurcafé. “It is very strange, but then you are suddenly so close to yourself again. “

Initially, the music was a way to express her grief, and there were no plans to release a single yet. Niña:”I locked myself in my studio and cried hundreds of times. In lyrics and melody I tried to capture what I was feeling.”

That became the song ‘Between the stars.’ It wasn’t until she noticed that other people were being affected as well, that she realized that her music could help and comfort others as well. “The grief has also brought me a lot of good,” Niña says. “It has given me back that I have started singing again and have a greater appreciation for what is there.”

Niña formed Treble with her sister Djem and Caroline Hoffman. Their 1st single ‘Ramaganana’ became a number 1 hit in 2004. Two years later they represented our country in the Eurovision Song Contest in Greece. Treble retired in 2010.

Niña still looks back on that time with great fondness. “If I could relive a period at the end of my life, it would be the Treble time, that was insane.”
