Ex-pro football player Evgeniy Levchenko picks up ambulances in Annen for the front in Kharkov

Former professional football player Evgeniy Levchenko appeared in Annen on Wednesday for the departure of two ambulances bound for the recently liberated region of Kharkiv. “Let’s keep our fingers crossed for the Ukrainian army.”

Wiew-wiew. The sirens go on for a moment. Yes, they do. Blue light sweeps over the parking lot at Breeland Recreatie in Annen. Ukrainian Andrii Artemenko (42) and Slovakian Dmytro Chalyi (47) get in, they will drive the two ambulances to Kharkov in the coming days. The ambulances are packed with relief supplies and medical supplies and the men each have a bulletproof vest. Artemenko was also in Kharkov recently: “I don’t want to sit comfortably here in the Netherlands, but I want to commit myself to my people.”

Wounded Soldiers

One ambulance is a transport truck to pick up wounded soldiers at the front. The other is equipped with an incubator for premature babies. Because there is also a shortage of such basic facilities in the region.
