Ex-parlementslid uit partij van Silvio Berlusconi krijgt eleven years cel in mafia proceedings | Buitenland

In a megaproces leden by the Italian mafialan ‘Ndrangheta is a former parliamentarian from the party of ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi, dead eleven years ago. Giancarlo Pittelli was in the parliament for the right wing of Forza Italia.

KIJK. How big is the famous ‘Ndrangheta mafia organization?

The penalties are pronounced in the law office in Lamezia Terme, a city in the southern region of Calabrië. Het bewijs in the zaak will be geleverd door meer and vijigt oud-leden van ‘Ndrangheta. Zij hebben hun zwijgplicht doorbroken. Velen van hen zitten in a positive protection program.

Politicus Giancarlo Pittelli was in the parliament called the right-wing party Forza Italia van oud-premier Silvio Berlusconi, which was passed in June at the age of 86.

4700 years of celstraf

The zaak had 338 members of the mafia and his assistants began in 2021. The right winger died in the majority of cases and was arrested with the ice of the prosecutors, who were punished for a total of 4,700 years.

Voormalig Italian parliamentslid Giancarlo Pittelli. © Youtube

The ingediende aanklachten went over on the sea lidmaatschap of a criminal organization, moord, drug trafficking, widows and omkopen van overheidsfunctionarissen. There are also criminal prosecutions for a criminal organization based on other agents.


The Ndrangheta, which consists of 150 families, is the largest mafia organization in Italy, in the Cosa Nostra en Camorra. The cocaine trade in Europe has been largely controlled. The annual price is worth 55 million dollars (around 50.3 million euros).

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