‘Ex-husband and teenage sons deeply concerned about Britney’s mental health’ | Stars

“Kevin did the interview because he, like their sons, is upset. They worry that everyone is completely ignoring the fact that Britney struggles with mental health,” a source close to Kevin Federline told me. Page Six.

After the interview on The Daily Mail the former background dancer posted fragments on Instagram from four years ago, in which Britney gets into a fight with her children. In the caption, Kevin, who was married to the singer from 2004 to 2007, wrote: “I can’t sit back and let my sons accuse like this after what they’ve been through. As much as it hurts us, as a family we have decided to post these videos. This isn’t even the worst. The lies have to stop. I hope our kids grow up to be better people than this.”

Just hours later, Kevin changed his mind and the videos were removed. By posting the videos, he would not have intended to give the world a ‘bad image’ of his ex-wife. He just wanted to remind people that Britney has mental health issues and that he and their sons are concerned that this is not being monitored,” a source said. Page Six.

‘A loser’

Meanwhile, an ex-boyfriend of Britney’s, who wishes to remain anonymous, is “furious” at Kevin’s behavior. He tells to Page Six“Kevin’s a nice guy, but he’s a loser,” the ex-boyfriend said. “It was very difficult for Britney to go out with the boys, knowing that she was handing them all this money and they were free to spend her money as they pleased, while she herself was in receivership and only getting a small compensation. .”

He continues: “But when the kids turn 18, the money is gone and Kevin is the swindler.” The ex-boyfriend even speculates that Kevin may be able to take money from Britney’s father, Jamie Spears, who has been in control of the singer’s life for thirteen years. However, Jamie’s lawyer Alex Weingarten told this week Page Six that this is not the case. “Jamie has had no contact with Kevin or his grandsons for three years. This is a complete lie.”
