ex-fiancée Gordon says it all in shocking interview

Sympathetic, intelligent and honest: that’s how Gavin Rozario, Gordon’s ex-fiancée, comes across in an eight-page interview in Privé. His story about their love affair is shocking.

© Instagram, Private

The year is still long, but Privé probably already has the showbiz interview of the year. The weekly magazine of Evert Santegoeds going big today with a long, eight-page interview with Gavin Rozario. He is honest, candid, gives a detailed character outline of Gordon, but remains respectful at all times.

Vulnerable man

Gavin makes it clear in eight pages that Gordon is a vulnerable man with extreme mood swings, who likes to make everything in the media look better and more beautiful than it is and still has a problem with addiction. Is he trying to blacken Gordon with the interview? No. He does make it clear that the TV millionaire needs help.

The immediate reason for the interview, according to Gavin, are the countless articles that appear in the Dutch media about him being a golddigger and that he would kill Gordon for no reason. ghosting. Those articles are now immediately visible when you google his name and he has read them thanks to Google Translate. “It hurts me a lot.”

‘Just through Grindr’

For once, Gavin tells the Privé his exclusive story: “So that everyone can draw their own conclusions. Instead of just the stories that Gordon tells or might want to tell.”

His story makes a lot clear from A to Z. Just about the beginning of their relationship – they would have met spontaneously in a casino – Gordon has not been honest with the outside world, he says. “We met through Grindr. (…) It really clicked immediately. When Gordon is doing well, he’s a great person, isn’t he?”

roller coaster

Soon Gavin discovered that it is not always fun with Gordon; he calls it a ‘rollercoaster’. The Australian speaks of extreme mood swings, for example when they watched the film The Wizard of Oz at home and he fell asleep due to jet lag. “He got very angry about that, all of a sudden. He woke me up angrily (…) and asked if I had mental problems.”

Gavin, who also continuously mentions Gordon’s nice sides and credits him for traveling so much (“he’s worked hard all his life”), emphasizes that he has never felt “physically threatened”. “It is important to me that this comes out clearly. That it is not made bigger than it is.”

Scream very loudly

It was mainly his mood swings that ultimately turned Gavin off. “He once asked if I wanted to taste his food. I said no, because it would be way too spicy for me. He got very angry about that. He yelled that I ruined his day. ‘Why don’t you want to taste some?’”

Things like that even happened right after the engagement, according to Gavin. He accidentally left his passport on the plane during a stopover. “He started screaming like crazy. That I had ruined his entire trip by ruining this incident for the two of us as well. (…) Gordon threatened to take off his engagement ring and I think wanted to throw it at me.”

Bizarre. “It was almost like in a cartoon that a puppet turns all red.”

Conflict in Tokyo

Gavin cites countless other examples, such as their conflict in Tokyo. But what about that engagement? Gordon stated that he was unexpectedly asked to marry in the Maldives. “This was all thought out in advance. (…) In Dubai we bought out the engagement rings together.”

huh? It was a surprise, wasn’t it? No, says Gavin. That also explains why everything is so well portrayed. “Mainly to impress the media and through them the Dutch public and show that he was finally engaged. He immediately posted it on social media. He really wanted to get everything out of it.”

Professional help

Finally, Gavin also talks extensively about Gordon’s claiming behavior and a night in which he let himself go completely. “Gordon was on drugs the night I lost my phone, sending me angry and malicious messages for 12 hours. He was in a bad flow because of the drugs, he later stated.

Gavin, who claims Gordon also threatened to take his own life – he received a suicide note in which ‘five celebrities’ were also mentioned ‘who also disappointed him’ – hopes that the entertainer will find help as soon as possible. Although he emphasizes, just like his sister, that Gordon is not really suicidal. “It turned out it was only meant to put pressure on me.”

Sober: “They are all negative stories, aren’t they? Well, well, you’ve already seen the nice ones on Instagram.”

Weekly magazine Private

The interview, in which Gavin talks about their relationship in chronology, explains why he is not a golddigger, that their relationship has actually made him financially worse and that he would have immediately agreed to marry on a prenuptial agreement (“he has worked hard to to get where he is) you can read in Private. Including WhatsApp screenshots.

Very private? Yes. But hopefully for Gordon and his entourage the wake-up call that is needed. The latest Private is in stores from today.

You can talk about suicidal thoughts anonymously: chat via www.113.nlcall 113 or call free 0800-0113.
