Ex-basketball coach Ivan Decroix has died

Decroix was first a basketball player himself, but for thirty years, until 2011, he had many West Flemish women’s teams under his wings. Ypres, Ostend, Bredene, Soubry Kortrijk, Wytewa Roeselare and finally Tulikivi Deerlijk.

Decroix was a sports official in Ypres for many years. He attached great importance to fair play. He and his wife Hilde De Meyer had three children. After his career as a basketball coach, he was able to pay more attention to them. Lieselot is a former cyclist and now team leader in women’s cycling. Marjolijn took part in the Winter Olympics as a skier. His son Bram is a professional musician.

Ivan Decroix died at his home in Watou.
