Evita and the right to be happy

avoid She was a free woman who from very early on was encouraged to walk on her own. She is free by temperament and by conviction. She was not two-faced, but even who shows herself authentically as she is, she plays her destiny in what History builds on her name.

And what does history see? That this path opened with courage beats the reaction of prejudice, irrationalism and the attempt to sweeten his firmness to dilute his political message. That the power of love could over time and against hate. Time, the most complex thing with which political decision coexists, with avoid it is an amazing thing. Only seven years were enough for him to enter forever into the heart of the Peronist people, into the memory of Argentines and into universal history.

avoid incorporated the dimension of desire in Peronism and that explains, in some way, the absolute love that it produced and also the fixity of hate. “My feeling of outrage at social injustice is the force that has carried me by the hand, from my earliest memories to here.” Much of what he denounced avoid today it appears aggravated. Never before is there such an imbalance between those who have and those who are being dispossessed, both of social power and of political power.

Evita is our flag every time we see the fundamental task of building a People, a collective will mobilized by common affections and the defense of equality and social justice. And it remains as a continuous present because it lives in each of our struggles.

*Cristina Álvarez Rodríguez, great-niece of Eva Duarte. Government Minister of the Province of Buenos Aires and ad honorem president of the Evita Museum.

by Cristina Alvarez Rodriguez

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