“Everything okay with Airen Mylene?”

Patty Brard makes a statement after publicly belittling Airen Mylene. The ladies were together again in Shownieuws for the first time yesterday and she had photos taken of that.


The way in which Patty Brard has publicly raged against her direct colleague Airen Mylene is, according to media expert Victor Vlam, worthy of suspension. He tipped John de Mol to put the television diva on hold for one month to teach her a lesson, because: “This kind of uncollegial behavior simply disrupts the entire team.”

Show news selfie

It seems that Patty did not go deep, but very deep with Airen, whom she called “stupid” and “attention-grabbing.” The ladies appeared together again at the desk of Shownieuws last night after about three weeks. That went fine, although Patty made a rather timid impression.

To make a statement, both Airen and Patty have a selfie posted on Instagram. “It’s nice to hear such a Sunday evening!”, says Patty. Airen adds nothing.

What’s behind it?

The big question is, why was Patty so mad at Airen? The TV diva hit on a clip in which Airen says she prefers not to wear a bra, but that can’t be a reason to go wild like that, can it?

Victor Vlam: “I don’t know if Patty was necessarily angry about this anecdote. A few days before, Airen had told a pretty spicy story about how two people at Shownieuws had s**s with each other in a closet during a Talpa party. And one of those people is a presenter. And of course that game was played out on the juice channels.”

Learning moment

Airen forced two fellow presenters to deny: Dyantha Brooks and Manuel Venderbos. This leaves Tooske Ragas as the only suspect. “Airen has also just been told by Talpa: you have to grow a bit more profile, sometimes you have to push the boundaries a bit,” Victor thinks.

He continues in the podcast The Communicados: “So it is a mistake she made, but somehow I can still understand him a little bit. You can also see it as a learning opportunity. Anyway, Patty was probably really mad about that. And that’s why she ended up attacking Airen so terribly hard.”

Salient detail: Patty still hasn’t removed her offending comment.

Cookie and egg

But now there are pictures of the ‘reconciliation’ between Airen and Patty. “Oh, everything back to normal between you? 🤣🤣”, notes one Martine under the post from Patti.

Agnes then: “Yes, I was wondering that too tonight!!!”

One Houdini: “Anything for show. 😂”

And Johan: “It looks like everything has been settled between the two of you. Toppie, as grown women. 😃👍”


Patty’s post:
