Everything is ready for the face to face that will face Sánchez and Feijóo at the start of the campaign


On at 06:24


There will be a second debate, the jThursday the 13th on RTVE, in which the seven spokespersons of the main political formations will participate

The first and only face to face that the candidates of the PSOE and the PP will maintain today for the presidency of the Government, Pedro Sanchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóohas raised great expectations since, in addition to the fact that they will meet in a format that has not been seen for eight years, the two leaders will reflect their intentions of pacts after 23J.

Five days after the start of the electoral campaign, Sánchez and Feijóo face off tonight at Atresmedia in their first television scuffle to oppose their political programs for 100 minutes with four themes: economy; social policy and equality; pacts and governance, and state, institutional and international policies.

The debate, moderated by journalists Ana Pastor and Vicente Vallés, will begin at 10:00 p.m. on all Atresmedia radio and television channels. A team will measure the time of the interventions of the two candidates so that they are proportional.

While Sánchez will open the first and close the last of the four blocks thematic, Feijóo will be in charge of starting the second and third; In addition, the first will arrive at the Atresmedia facilities.

The golden minute at the end of the debate will be initiated by the President of the Government and it will be closed by the leader of the PP, as stipulated by lottery.

This face-to-face occurs after intense negotiations between the teams of both parties, and after the refusal of the PP to participate in another four-way debate organized by RTVE and to which Only the leaders of the PSOE (Sánchez), Sumar (Yolanda Diaz) and Vox (Santiago Abascal).

Precisely although the week begins with the face to face in Atresmedia, Spectators have another television match ahead of them on Thursday the 13th, on RTVE at 10:00 p.m. in which the seven parliamentary spokesmen of the main formations will participate.

It will be broadcast by La 1 and The PSOE spokesman in Congress, Patxi López, will be present; the PP spokeswoman, Cuca Gamarra; Vox spokesman Iván Espinosa de los Monteros; the deputy of United We Can who is now a candidate in Sumar Aína Vidal; the PNV spokesman, Aitor Esteban; that of ERC, Gabriel Rufián, and that of EH Bildu, Oscar Matute.

Party representatives will discuss economy, social and territorial policy and post-electoral pacts.

The last electoral debate will be held on July 19, Wednesday, also in the Prado del Rey studios between the leaders of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz and of Vox, Santiago Abascal.
