Everything about the World Championships in Athletics in Eugene

The World Athletics Championships are currently being held in the USA. German stars like Malaika Mihambo are also there. Find out here how you can join in the excitement.

After the Olympic Games in Tokyo last year, the stars of track and field are now looking forward to the next major event: the World Championships in Eugene (USA). German top athletes such as long jump Olympic champion Malaika Mihambo, sprint ace Gina Lückenkemper and decathlete Niklas Kaul are there.

But the fans can also follow the competitions live. And not only in the live stream, but also on free TV. t-online provides an overview.

This is how you watch the World Cup on free TV at night

If you want to accompany the 80 German athletes on their World Cup journey, you can do so on ARD or ZDF. The public broadcasters alternately broadcast the major event live on free TV and also in the live stream. However, you have to get up early or stay up late for it.

Because: Eugene is in Oregon and therefore nine hours behind German time. The World Cup will be broadcast on free TV between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.

Afternoon live stream

If that doesn’t suit you, you also have the option of watching the live stream in the media libraries in the afternoon and evening between 3 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. You can also find the streaming transmission on sportschu.de and on sportstudio.de. Maral Bazargani is on duty for ARD, and Norbert König accompanies you through the transmission for ZDF.
