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In October 2022, Apple presented the sixth generation of its iPad Pro. But the successor is already announced. Here we summarize what the new iPad Pro 7th Gen should look like and what features it offers.

Unlike its iPhone models, Apple doesn’t release a new iPad every year. The iPad Pro 7th gen (short for generation) is expected in 2024. Maybe Apple will surprise us and launch the new tablet earlier than expected. One thing is already certain: It will be very powerful and probably also extremely expensive. TECHBOOK summarizes all the rumors about the upcoming iPad below.

iPad Pro 7th Gen with even brighter OLED display

There will again be two versions of the iPad Pro 7th gen – one with a display diagonal of 11 inches and one with a 12.9-inch display. With both, Apple is apparently using OLED technology instead of the previously used LC display. More specifically, according to the South Korean news site, “The Elec“ a so-called “Two stack tandem OLED” can be used. Here, two layers of organic light-emitting diodes are placed one on top of the other, which not only increases the luminosity of the display, but also extends its service life. The whole thing is to be topped by a surface made of glass and polyamide film in order to make the display more resistant and the edges as narrow as possible.

The new OLED displays not only have the advantages mentioned, such as high luminosity. Thanks to the ProMotion technology, they also offer a high refresh rate of 120 Hz. The Pro models have had this for longer. However, the current and future laminated displays are also much more difficult to repair due to their design than even earlier models with a separate glass cover. They are also significantly more expensive to manufacture, which drives up the price of the iPads.

Apple apparently increases iPad prices significantly

Current reports from supplier prices suggest that the iPad Pro 7th Gen could be up to 80 percent more expensive than its predecessor. The jump from the fifth to the sixth generation of the iPad Pro 11 already saw a price increase from 879 euros to 1049 euros. In the US, the current model is even cheaper, starting at $799. Now the sources are talking about an entry price that should be even higher. At least 1500 US dollars should therefore be put on the table for the 11-inch iPad Pro 7th Gen. In Germany, that would probably correspond to a starting price of around 1800 euros.

The 12.9 large model is known to be even more expensive. Here the price shouldThe ElecAccording to them, they will rise by about 60 percent to $1,800. That would correspond to a starting price of well over 2000 euros for the tablet. Those numbers sound terrifying considering the iPad doesn’t have the fan base that the iPhone does. The tablets must therefore be able to be measured more closely with the competition and also with other types of devices such as laptops. This raises the question of who would spend 2000 euros and more for an iPad Pro 2024 if they already got a powerful laptop for it.

Also read: All information about the upcoming iPhone 15

MagSafe planned for iPad Pro 7th Gen

There have been reports for some time that Apple is switching from the aluminum back to a glass back. This would significantly change the appearance of the tablets for the first time since 2018. Apple could integrate MagSafe on the back and make the iPads fit for wireless charging. Previous models do not support wireless charging.

As far as the rest of the equipment of the iPad Pro 7th Gen is concerned, a lot is still open. By 2024, Apple could launch a more up-to-date chip than the M2 currently used in the iPad Pro. The manufacturer could also upgrade the memory and the camera.
