Everyone wants this cake now

Vintage cakes are the latest cake hit.

Vintage cakes are decorated with extrusions. Eeva Paljakka

If you want to decorate a cake that is the latest in cake fashion, you should turn your gaze to the 1980s. Vintage cakes are now what everyone wants.

– This trend is really on the rise in Finland. It has been around the world for a few years, says Bakerika’s bakery entrepreneur Erika Pou.

Nothing other than white vintage cakes have been ordered from him for next summer’s wedding cakes.

What is it about?

Vintega cakes are decorated with buttercream, extruding – and sometimes also canned cherries with stems. It’s the icing on the cake again.

– In addition, there may be texts in the cakes, Poussa says.

At Valio’s event, Erika Poussa guided cake course participants to the secrets of a vintage cake. Eeva Paljakka

You can make a vintage cake really look good if you make the extrusions with at least two different tulles. More is better.

Thanks to the butter cream, the extrusions become precise and the details shine. Poussa states that this decoration should not be done with whipped cream, because it does not hold its shape as well as buttercream.

The butter should be soft when you start making the cream, because the cream should be silky soft. In Pou, I already bring the butter to room temperature the night before.

– People have fully jumped into this trend, which is wonderful. But be patient. Extrusion is a skill that needs to be practiced. You should be kind to yourself. Be creative, don’t think too much, Poussa encourages.

He hopes that baking would be a relaxing and happy thing for people.
