‘Everyone in the Jordaan is done with her’

Glennis Grace is completely vomited up in the Amsterdam Jordaan after her fight in the Jumbo, an eyewitness tells the weekly magazine Story. “Everyone in the neighborhood is done with her.”


Glennis Grace and her 15-year-old son were in jail for three nights because of the alleged brutal abuse of Jumbo employees in the Amsterdam Jordaan. She has been looked down upon in the neighborhood since the incident, an eyewitness told Story weekly.

Done with Glennis

The Jordaan is done with Glennis, says this source. “Glennis presents herself as a real Jordanese, but in the neighborhood everyone is fed up with her, we don’t want anything to do with this kind of criminal behavior.”

Story’s source said he was present at the incident in the Jumbo. “I have heard and seen how Glennis was stirring up her thug. The store staff told me that Glennis was the first to hit the employee most affected.”

smash windows

If necessary, this person would be happy to act as a witness. “I’m not advised to do it in the neighborhood because then they can come and smash my windows, but a witness may not be necessary. One of the officers who was on the scene in the supermarket that night told me that there are sufficient CCTV footage of what happened.”

A police spokesperson confirms to Story that there are good camera images. “Yes, I can confirm the existence of those images. Like many supermarkets, the store in question has a good camera system.”

Terrorizing son?

Also Anthony, the 15-year-old son of Glennis, is not popular in the neighborhood, local residents say in the weekly magazine Privé. “Local residents state that Glennis’ son regularly joins a group that is in the playground at Karthuizerstraat. That is not far from the Jumbo branch in question.”

Someone who has a view of that playground tells the magazine: “Last year there have been many incidents involving this group. A neighbor has even moved because she has been terrorized. They are all brats between the ages of fourteen and sixteen. They are not afraid of anything.”

flower pots

What does that moved neighbor have to say? She also speaks: “There was always unrest in the playground. I used to say something about that to those kids. The next day my flower pots had been smashed in the street. They also terrorized me. As a result, I fled the neighborhood to live elsewhere in Amsterdam.”

“I didn’t feel safe there. Despite the fact that I often informed the police, nothing happened… Yes, now!”
