Everton manager Lampard breaks his hand while celebrating

Drama in the Premier League: FC Everton only scored the winning goal in the 99th minute in the relegation duel against Newcastle United – and that with a man down. A painful affair for coach Frank Lampard.

Team manager Frank Lampard paid dearly for Everton FC’s Premier League victory. “I broke my hand celebrating,” said the 43-year-old after the last-minute 1-0 win over Newcastle United. “It’s a little sore and a little shaky, but I don’t care.”

Strange game interruption

Lampard apparently suffered the injury while celebrating Alex Iwobi’s late winner (90 + 9) despite being outnumbered.

Previously, there had already been a curious game interruption in the game. A spectator had tied himself to the goal post with a cable tie around his neck and had to be “freed” by several stewards with bolt cutters before he could be carried off the field.

The young man was wearing an orange one t shirt reading “Just Stop Oil”, a campaign group working to stop fossil fuel exploration in the UK. After an almost ten-minute break, the catch-up game continued.
