Everton – Liverpool: 0-0 MATCH RESULT – SUMMARY – Breaking English Premier League news

Everton – Liverpool match played at Goodison Park in the 6th week of the English Premier League ended 0-0.

In the 6th week of the Premier League, Everton and Liverpool faced off at Goodison Park in the Merseyside derby. While both teams could not benefit from many positions in the match, the match ended 0-0 as it started.

Liverpool, who won their last two games in the league, ended this series by drawing a draw. Jürgen Klopp’s students increased his score to 9 with this result. The poor course of host Everton, who could not meet with a win this season, continued. Frank Lampard’s team collected 4 points with 4 draws and 2 losses in 6 matches played in the league.

Liverpool will face Wolverhampton at home next week. Everton will host Arsenal.
