Evert Santegoeds is not only interested in celebrities: ‘Hitler too’

Evert Santegoeds does not see himself as a superficial man who is only interested in celebrities. For example, the editor-in-chief of Privé also likes to read about Adolf Hitler.

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He may be the big boss of Privé, but that does not mean that Evert Santegoeds fills his days completely with reading news about celebrities. His interests extend much further than that, he explains in his podcast Strictly Private. “No, certainly not, that would also be very thin.”

Evert’s fascination

Evert is asked about it by one of his listeners. “Is entertainment news the only news you’re interested in, Evert?” asks Mr. Niels.

No, Evert emphasises. “No, I am really interested in very different things and also very broadly in what is happening in the world. I am particularly fascinated by World War II. If you look in my bookcase, there are a few shelves full of books, which I have also read.”

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler and his entourage fascinate Evert immensely. “About Speer, for example. A very interesting figure; the right-hand man and architect of Hitler.”

Evert loves to plop into his chair to read about all those horrors. “I am very interested in that if it is not about Corry Konings and Frans Bauer.
